Biga is a premium coffee shop chain,And offers a quality and healthy kitchenEmphasis on freshness, availability, raw materialsHigh quality and extremely generous dishes.The network menu consists of healthy dishesRich in nutritional values, while providingEmphasis on gluten-free and sugar-free dishes,Natural products, vegetables and fruits market,Whole wheat, sea fish and more.We drew our inspiration from ItalyThe method of baking our breads, madeFrom quality and natural raw materials onlyAnd handmade in stone ovens, and no lessImportant - our name (Biga = leavenIn Italian.)We brought the bolognese concept from FranceAnd bakeries - in every branch, in addition to the menuThe rich, diners enjoy a unique deliOffering a wide variety of fresh pastriesBaked in place and made from 100% wheatFull of sourdough, rye bread with kernelsLinen and sesame seeds, dips, spreads,Cheeses, olives, gluten-free products, productsSugar-free and a wide variety of flavored coffeeUnique imported especially for the network.